Welcome to
Rūma Tui
Dear Parents and Caregivers.
A very warm welcome to
Room 4. The next few weeks will be a time of settling in, as we get to know
each other and the children adjust to new class routines. My aim is to achieve
a positive, supportive classroom atmosphere, where children will meet success
in a variety of classroom activities. Our focus in the first term will be
getting to know one another and establishing the ways in which we will work and
play together in a respectful, co-operative way.
My belief is that your child will make his/her best progress
when there is a close partnership between home and school. You know your child
best and I hope you will share this knowledge with me. Please feel free to
approach me with any concerns you may have over your child’s education or
welfare. If I have any celebrations or concerns, I will bring them to your
attention as soon as possible. I do have school meeting commitments after
school on Mondays and Tuesdays but I will always endeavour to make a time to
see you, as soon as possible. Many issues are easily solved with a brief chat.
To encourage children with their learning and behaviour, a
positive management programme operates in Room 4. Each day, a child who has
worked co-operatively and well, will be chosen as “Star of the Day”. That
person will sit on the “Star” chair for the next day and will have special
Parent helpers are a very important part of our programme at
Burnham School. If you have skills you are willing to share, please contact me,
so that we can arrange to make use of your talents.
Swimming begins this week
and will continue again in Week 3. If you are able to assist with dressing and
supervision of children who are not swimming, please let me know. Please
ensure all items of clothing,
including towels, are named and in a sturdy bag.
Reading Homework will be given each day. Instructional
readers will come home Monday – Thursday and on Friday, the “Poem of the Week”
comes home to share. Sometimes there will be other activities, associated with
the classroom programme. I ask that you find a quiet time to share the reading
book with your child, encouraging them in their efforts. Regular practice at
home, does promote reading success. The book that comes home will have been read
in class and your child should have little difficulty sharing it with you at
home. Please return the books each day and sign the Home Reading Log.
There will be a Lost Property Box just inside the door, for
items left around the classroom during the day. To assist, please ensure all
items of clothing are clearly named.
In Brief :
your child has only been at school a few months, many of last year’s stationery
supplies will still be unused - especially the large
scrapbooks. I am very happy to use these books, so please do not buy books you
do not need.
Please do not name your child’s pens, pencils and
glue sticks. I collect these in and distribute them as needed during the year.
There are no “lost” pencils in Room 4, as each table has a shared supply.
remember named sunhats are
required each day.
We are happy
for the children to have water bottles
in the classroom.
Our Library
Day is Friday.
Please keep an eye on the Room 4 Blog, for notices from me
and wonderful work from your children.
I am looking forward to working with you and your child in
Kind regards,
Pam Golding