Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Week 2

Room 4 had a busy week this week. We had Mr Howe come and visit us and tell us all about his job with the Civil Defence. We learnt lots about what we need to do to get ready for a disaster. Harold came and visited us from Life Education and shared with us about all the different foods we have for breakfast, lunch and tea. Harold sung us a song called Variety. On Friday we went and listened to the Army Band. They sung heaps of cool songs which we got to dance along to.


  1. Hi Guys,

    I really enjoyed talking to you about Civil Defence and what you can to do to be prepared for a disaster. I hope you have been working on your home emergency plans - remember there are House Point up for grabs!! Good luck for your cross country - give it heaps. AH

  2. HI Room 4, I wonder if we ARE ready for when a disaster strike us all? Scary thought I hope it doesn't happen! from Brooke Room 6
